I'm sure many of you are familiar with the book
Pumpkin Jack. It is a sweet story about a little boy and what happens to his Jack-o-Lantern after Halloween. It shows how the pumpkin decomposes and becomes one with the Earth again and then in the spring, once again sprouts a new pumpkin life. A wonderful story that teaches the life cycle of the pumpkin.
Well I decided after reading this that my class should experience the natural life cycle of a pumpkin as well.
We began on Halloween with our pumpkin...............

We scooped...............

We counted by 10's.....
and then, after all of the expected tasks, we began the real project...........
Meet OUR Pumpkin Jack.......

Pumpkin Jack, October 31
Pumpkin Jack lives in a large, plastic jug on our counter. We discussed as a class what happened to the original Pumpkin Jack and decided we would like to see what would happen in our class if we left him all alone. We left some pumpkin seeds inside him and then also added some soil, (if he were to be left outside, he would have dirt so we decided adding some would be ok.) Then we let him be.

November 6
November 8, seeds beginning to sprout, (hard to see the black fungi growing inside as well.)
November 9, the kids are absolutely loving this! Pumpkin Jack is the first thing they check out in the morning. It makes me laugh to hear the combination of ewwwws and oooos from them.
Nov. 13 & 14
This is actually pretty amazing to me as well. I am surprised that Pumpkin doesn't smell. I have decomposed a pumpkin one time before and the aroma was not pleasant! The main question I have been asked is "Why are you doing this?" A few reasons. The conversations the kids are having with each other are awesome to listen to. The conversations they are having with me! My goal this year is to get my kids to speak in complete sentences and to think. This is one little way to get closer to my goal. We have something to talk about. Another reason is that it is just cool and gross all rolled into one! I will do almost anything to get my kids excited to come to school. If this does it for some of them, then I am all for it!
The dilemma now is where should he live while we are on break next week................ any takers?
And now for the bonus round of earth science.........
Our school participates in a program called Harvest of the Month. A local grower provides our school with different fruits and produce to introduce the kids to. October was winter squash. This is the surprise we received when I cut into ours!
Well, I just couldn't let this amazing opportunity God provided for me slip by,
so we decided to trim around the seeds and plant it!
Looks like instead of having a class Christmas tree, we may have a class pumpkin and squash patch instead!
Until next time.....