Peace has been the theme of our week. As a way to introduce Dr. King and what he wanted for our world, I began our week reading 2 books about Peace.
Before I read either book, the kids and I talked about what peace is and began an anchor chart with ideas. After I read each book we added to our chart.
Friday, I read my kids Martin's Big Words. I have no idea why, but this book always chokes me up. His words are not only big, but they are pretty powerful too. I don't think first graders really understand what MLK did for them or how much our country has changed since his time. My hope is that they will only seek to learn more as they go through life.
Next we moved on to a directed drawing activity. I used this picture from Enchanted Learning as my guide. All I can say is WOW! My first graders did an absolutely awesome job. I am so impressed with how they turned out.
Finally, Fun Friday centers: We made some very cool peace plates, and a nice little peace sign with the geo boards. I love that some of the kids caught on to the theme of the day!
The best comment of the day, (out of the mouths of babes,) "I didn't know you had paint!" Haha, apparently I need to let them know all of the fun things I have stashed for them, (actually, it is a good hint that I should break it out more often!)
I got my inspiration for the plates and book from a fellow blogger, please go check out her ONEderful blog!
To end our day, we watched this video. The kids loved it. They were moving along with it and I didn't see or hear a peep from them during it. I plan to show it a couple more times next week, because I am not quite finished working on my theme of peace.
Tuesday, we will work on some "I have a dream" writing. The kids will be read this story and then brainstorm ideas of dreams they have. After, they will write their dreams and either draw a picture of themselves under it or draw a picture of their dream above it. If you would like either one, just click HERE to grab it.
Thank you for visiting,
(especially if you made it all the way to the end!)