Monday, May 7, 2012

What I learned this year.....

I am soo excited!!  I have my first two followers. (Okay, technically one doesn't count because she is my sister, but the other one does!)  Thank you Jill for becoming my first official follower.

What a year it has been and I feel as though I have barely begun!  I stumbled into blogland via pinterest and my classroom hasn't been the same since.  I have been stalking and collecting great ideas from many people, and as I mentioned in my first post I am trying to show some of the ideas I have used.

 I decided to make a class book this year using  Book Creator for iPad ($4.99.)  It allows you to put your own pictures in and also allows you to record the book.  You can then open and read the book in iBooks.  i asked my students to write and tell me something they learned this year. I then scanned their pictures and added the text and let them record their own voice for their page.  They loved listening to the book being read back to them.

My favorite student page is below:

 As you can see, the stuff he is referring to is the projects we did; Abraham Lincoln from  step into second grade, Martin Luther King directed drawing, and (what a coincidence) mrs. t's first grade class ladybug fact families!  (kids have the best timing)

I think sometimes we forget how important some of our projects are.  They may seem "fun" to us, but obviously to my little guy, they leave an impression.

More next time.........


  1. Whoo hoo! I'm follower #4. Good luck getting your blog started. Looking forward to more great posts! Jayne

  2. Hello, I just found you when I was on the Seusstastic blog site. Good Luck with your endeavor. I'm still not brave enough to start one myself, but the idea is in the back of my mind. I get so much inspiration from the teachers I follow.


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