Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching

How many of you are still trying to find a behavior management program that fits?  I failed, miserably, at using a card system. I just could NOT keep up with it, or follow through with it (not to mention the drama it created when students needed to turn a card.)  I went to a WBT conference about 2 years ago and when I left I knew this was it for me!

Five simple rules!  That's it!  REALLY!!  (I have added a sixth rule for my class, but still, it is so easy.)  The kids get it, I get it, we ALL get it.  It blends quite nicely with Character Counts and it will blend even better with the Daily 5 that I plan to begin using next year.

 Whole Brain Teaching 

So many great parts to WBT that I don't know where to begin, so I think I will focus on how the rules changed my classroom.

The Rules:
Rule #1:  Follow directions quickly.
Rule #2: Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Rule #3: Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Rule #4: Make smart choices.
Rule #5: Make your dear teacher happy.
Rule #6: Respect yourself, Respect others, and Respect our school.

We practice these rules daily.  Each rule has a motion to go with it.  The BEST part for me as a teacher? When a student is shouting out, I look at them and say, "Rule #2?"  The class usually chimes in and repeats it.   The student then raises their hand, and I call on them.  If a student is out of their seat, headed to me or just wandering, I look at them and say "Rule #3?"   Most times student's will start asking me their question, but I just keep repeating myself, "Rule #3?"  They get the hint, go back to their desk and raise their hand. Then I call on them as though they had been there the whole time.  For the times that I am doing this more than I should, the kids spend some practice time with me during recess.  They spend a few minutes of their recess time repeating the rule they are having a hard time remembering, while doing the motion associated with it.
The rare times that they need even more practice, I send a letter home telling the parents they need some additional practice time at home.

IT WORKS!    Tears of joy!

I know you are saying to yourself, "but Deanna, you don't know my class!"  Let me tell you, You don't know MY class!  I had an awesome group of kiddos this year, but they certainly had some unique qualities that tested me.  Let me just say, through the Grace of God and knowing about WBT, we had an amazing year!

I am a Whole Brain Teacher, and I will continue to be a Whole Brain Teacher. I could go on and on but I think if you are not familiar with it you should go and  VISIT WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING.

OH! I almost forgot the inspiration for this post was a Linky (my first one, exciting!)
I am sure I probably did it wrong but you can find the blog that started it here:

Think, Wonder, & Teach

On another note, only 3 days of summer school left, woo hoo!
Until next time.............



  1. I posted rule #6 for you...hope you like it http://learnalotwithmrsscott.blogspot.com/2012/06/requested-rule.html


  2. Katherine,
    I absolutely love it! You made my day. :)

  3. I'm in the D5 book study with you I may do some study on whole brain teaching! Thanks for sharing!

  4. You're welcome Misty. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Deanna!

    I just found your blog and can't wait to read more about your classroom next year and how you will be using WBT.

    You didn't use the Linky wrong because I found your blog through Think, Wonder & Teach!

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L's Whole Brain Teaching

  6. Miss L, Thanks for visiting me and letting me know I did the linky the right way. I am excited to have another follower. :)


Hey there! Thanks for visiting :) Let me know what you think!